There are three main elements in the dance, which wiraga (physical), wirama (the music), and wirasa (inspiration or expression). Dance and movement used to have differences in terms of smoothness, dynamics (rhythm and tempo), and accompaniment.
Types of Traditional Dance
Traditional dance is a dance that developed in certain areas which is based on the adaptation and extensive guided hereditary habit and embraced by the public owner of the dance. Traditional dance is divided into two kinds, namely:
Traditional dance classics
The characteristics of traditional classical dance is as follows.
The patterns of movement have been determined.
It has a high artistic value
Motion mnimal created exceed the needs required by the context.
Grow and develop from the nobility.
Measures of beauty beyond the borders of the region.
Examples of traditional classical dance is dance Bedaya Ketawang of Central Java.
Folkasik traditional dance (folk dance)
Characteristics tradisiomal folkasik dance (folk dance) is as follows.
The patterns of motion is determined by the context, folk dances usually have a specific theme.
Social and artistic value is.
Treasury limited motion just enough to accent the custom events typical of the tribes concerned.
Comes from the people, by the people and for the people.
Limited to certain customary territory.
Examples of this dance is the dance Tayub of Central Java.
Type of Creative Dance
Dance is a dance creations that have characteristics that are no longer following motion patterns and ingredients are settled. Dance creations comes from traditional dance that has dkembangkan. For example, Oleg Tambulilingan Dance and Dance of Bali and Sumatra fan of. Creative dance is divided into two kinds, namely:
Modern dance
The characteristics of modern dance is as follows.
Patterns freer movement but still pay attention to beauty.
The motion is still used to give emphasis to the movement that grew out of the traditional dance.
Still remain within the framework of a tribal dance traditions.
Examples of modern dance is a dance of Merak in West Java.
Contemporary dance
The characteristics of contemporary dance is as follows.
Patterns of freer movement of modern dance.
The motion used is no longer based on the traditional dance.
Tata dance created in the moment.
Examples of contemporary dance is a dance created by Boy G. Sakti, Tom, Ibnur, Sardono W. Kusuma.
In addition to the above two types of dance, dance can also be differentiated based on function and form of presentation.
Types of dance by function
Dance ceremony
In public life in the archipelago, the ceremony has been held long ago. Usually in the ceremony, used as the medium of dance. Ceremonies often use dance as a medium, namely:
Religious ceremonies, such as Sang Hyang Tari, Gabor, Puppet Uwong and Gambuh (Bali), Ngalase (West Java), Sanyang (East Java), and Seblang (Banyuwangi).
Ceremony greatness keistanaan (Kraton), such as Dance Bedoyo Semang (Yogyakarta), Srimpi (East Java), and Gending Sriwijaya (Palembang).
The ceremony is important in human life, such as the harvest was celebrated with a ceremony Pakarena (South Sulawesi), circumcision ceremony is celebrated with dance sisingaan (Subang), the marriage ceremony was celebrated with dance Lawung (Yogyakarta).
Social dance or entertainment
Several types of dance entertainment that tube of Balinese Dance, Dance Ronggeng and Rantak Kudo of Sumatra.
Dance performances
Dance performances deliberately cultivated for reassembly and require a steady cultivation. However, there are also dance performances initially serves as a ceremonial dance or entertainment, then turned into a dance show. Here are some examples of dance performances: Pendet of Bali, Tayuban Dance from West Java, and East Java Dance Ngremo.
Types of dance based forms of presentation
Based on the form of presentation, dance divided, emjadi four types, namely single dance, dance in pairs, mass dance, drama and dance.
Solo Dance
Solo dance is a type of dance performed by a dancer. Examples of single dance the dance Ghatotkacha, Klana Mask Dance, and Dance Panji.
Dance in pairs
Dance in pairs is a type of dance that is played by two dancers that are complementary to one another. Two female dancers all or it could be all-male, the other female bias one man. This type of dance was composed of several couples. Examples of dance performed by a pair of dancers, the dance Damarwulan, Rara Mendut Dance and War Dance Sugriwo-Vali.
Mass Dance
Mass dance is a dance performed by more than one dancer without complementary elements. Some examples of the mass dance, the dance Gambyong of Surakarta, Yogyakarta Dance of the Marionette, and Dance Mafia of Irian Jaya.
Dance Drama
Dance drama performed by several dancers. Dance drama presented in story form, divided into rounds or scenes. Beberpa example of the Wayang Wong dance drama of Central Java, Puppet Mask from Cirebon, and Randai and Makyong of Sumatra.
Form (pose)
Form (pose) is the position of the body before moving. Divided into four, namely open, closed, asymmetric and symmetric.
The motion is to move the position of the body shape.
Floor pattern
Floor pattern is the direction or line of action through which the dancers. The pattern is divided into two floors, straight and curved.
Direction toward
Direction toward the direction the position of the dancer's body.
Level or level
Level or levels are the levels of the dancer's body position. Divided into three, bottom, middle, and top.
Expression or inspiration
As an activity, dance has several functions as follows.
Dance as a means of unifying the nation
For example, the area of national dance festival performances, and festivals isen Mulang.
Dance as a medium of expression
Dance can create a series of movements that can make the audience sensitive to something that exists and is happening around him.
Dance as a means of ceremony
Types of dance is a lot of stuff as described in the previous section.
Channeling of dance as therapy
Types of dance is usually addressed to persons with physical or mental disabilities. In the east, the type of dance has become taboo because of taste not the heart.
Dance as a medium of communication
Dance performances convey messages that are in his every movement. Examples are Pakarena of South Sulawesi used to congratulate dating to the guests.
Dance as a medium for creative thought
Covers seven aspects of human intelligence, that is the logic, language, visual, kinestik, musical, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. The seven aspects that need attention are balanced in education so that students will be more creative thinking. Dance, one sa arts education in schools, to develop skills in aspects kinestik. Dance can be a tool for creative thinking bias.
Dance as a medium to develop talent
In schools held arts education, which is one aspect of the art of dance. Dance education can be used as a tool for developing talent.
Dance as entertainment
Dance as entertainment should be varied so as not to dull and boring. Therefore, this type uses the themes are simple, no heroics, a good tune and exciting. Costumes and stage layout prepared in interesting ways.
Dance as a medium of interaction
The art of dance is a collective, meaning the cultivation of dance involving several people. Therefore, kegiata dance can serve as a means of interaction. Dance activities, such as dance workout routine or staging together, is a good means of association.
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