Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Benefits of the Internet in the World Education

What are the benefits of the internet? Some of the benefits of the internet you already know from the discussion in the future. You will know more benefits of the internet to know what is on the Internet. According to Edy Purwanto (www.litbang.depkes.go.id/ tick / media / Pengantar_WWW.doc), Internet content can be divided into two groups, namely the content to their personal and professional content for the service. Some of the contents of the internet for personal life such as health information, leisure, hobbies, personal development, spiritual air, and social information. While the content of the internet for professional life (regarding jobs and careers) among others, information science, technology, trade, stocks, commodities, business news, professional associations, business associations, and other communication forums. When all the information was in the grip of your hand, you can rule the world and determine what should be done. And when the internet can be enjoyed by all people, you can imagine for yourself the benefits that can be obtained.
Benefits of the Internet for educationIn class VII you have studied the role and benefits of information and communication technology. Some of them are the role and benefits of Internet technologies such as e-government, e-learning, e-commerce, e-business, and internet banking. Try to go back and study that chapter! In http://perpustakaanonline site. blogspot.com, mentioned several other benefits of internet technology, which is as follows.
Well here is the benefits of the Internet in the World of Education ...1. As Internet Information WarehouseWith the internet, the world of science more open to anyone. Rapid dissemination of information, any information anywhere in the world can be found in an instant. Information was hard to come by, it's been a big deal anymore. By utilizing a search engine or search engine, information retrieval can be done easily, either in the form of data, news, files, images, music, and movies. Some online encyclopedia can also be used as a reference to add to knowledge. An example that is quite popular is Wikipedia (http://id.wikipedia.org). Through the Internet, you can also share information and knowledge with other users. An example is to create a personal site (blog or weblog) to share their knowledge and stories or participate in a particular community on the Internet.
Benefits of the Internet in the World Education

Manfaat Internet Dalam Dunia Pendidikan
2. Internet For News OnlineNow no need to wait until the morning to read the latest news. Many web pages (the page on the website) that provides news of the world are up-to-date (may be updated from time to time according to the news there). Any news there, ranging from sports, politics, finance, science and technology, weather, economy, culture, and so on. Some newspapers / magazines in Indonesia also provides online news services.
Benefits of the Internet in the World Education

Manfaat Internet Dalam Dunia Pendidikan
3. As Internet Online LibraryThe special shape of the Internet as a repository of information is available online library facilities, which are clusters of web sites world-class library. On this site, you can read books online and offline (downloaded or website content stored on a computer first, so it can be read without requiring an Internet connection). What books exist, ranging from encyclopedias, novels, textbooks, technology, computers, comics, and so on. Remember, not all books are available for free. There are some sites that require us to purchase online or to contribute a certain amount. Here are a few websites online library providers.

4. As Internet Distance EducationInternet as a repository of information and online library as well as the ability to build interactive communication makes it possible to do distance education. Distance education means that teachers and students or faculty and students do not have to always be in one place for education. Well, how come? Yes. Students can access their school website and follow the educational process through the computer in front of him. Anytime, 24 hours a day. No matter where I was, at home or when traveling. The subject matter to be mastered by the student teachers have been provided on the website. If you need a consultation, students can interact with teachers via e-mail (electronic mail), chat, or chat live via internet phone. This concept is often called e-learning.
On the internet there are many sites which provide the subject matter for a particular level of education. There are also sites that discuss common knowledge in a certain field. Information about the world of education is also easily found on the internet. Some examples of educational sites are as follows.

http://jardiknas.net, official education website Ministry of Education. In it there is a link to the websites of schools / colleges and other sites are close to the world of education
http://www.e-dukasi.net, presents the subject matter of the elementary, junior high, to high school / vocational school with an interactive learning system.

1 komentar:

  1. This blog post seems to be very old to me but still the information you shared is very informative and quite correct. Internet and Internet marketing has changed the way the world used to work.

    Internet Information
