Rabu, 05 Desember 2012


A. Definition of Entrepreneurship
Literally Entrepreneurship consists of basic word entrepreneur who received an suffix prefix ked's, so it can be interpreted entrepreneurship are things related to entrepreneurship. While the meaning of courage and entrepreneurial business means business activities are commercial or non-commercial, so that entrepreneurship can also be interpreted as one's courage to carry out a business activity.
In English entrepreneur is enterpenuer, the term was first introduced by Richard Cantillon, a French economist. According to him, the entrepreneur is the "agent who buys means of production at certain prices in order to combine them." In a time not too long, another French economist Jean-Baptist Say Cantillon adds definition to the concept of the entrepreneur as a leader. In general, a lot of definitions put forward by experts, about entrepreneurship, I will point out below some opinions, taken from various sources:
Harvey Leibenstein (1968, 1979), suggests, entrepreneurial-kegiatann include activities necessary to create or carry out company when all the market yet or have not been clearly identified, or component production functions largely unknown.
Penrose (1963): Activities include identifying entrepreneurial opportunities within the economic system. The capacity of different managerial entrepreneurial capacity.
Frank Knight (1921): Entrepreneurs try to predict and respond to market changes. This definition emphasizes the role of entrepreneurs in the face of uncertainty on the market dynamics. A worausahawan required to perform basic managerial functions such as direction and control.
B. The purpose Entrepreneurship
A sociologist named David McClelland suggested that, if a country wants to be prosperous, a minimum number of 2% of the total population in the country prosetase become entrepreneurs, Indonesia itself until now, according to a study of the population are new entrepreneurs about 0.18%, according to information I read on the internet today on March 5, 2012 the number had jumped sharply to it is not surprising that at this time, the condition pereekonomian negeara Indonesia lags behind neighboring Singapore which has an entrepreneurial percentage by 7%, Malaysia 5%, China 10%, especially if it should be compared to the country of the United States that is almost 13% of the population to become entrepreneurs.
Therefore, the grown kembangkanya knowledge about entrepreneurship, will evoke the spirit of the Indonesian people especially young people or students, to help create jobs by entrepreneurship, not just a job seeker (job seeking). In the spirit of nationalism that Indonesia should be able to compete dikancah constellation of the world economy, it will be a lot of students who are motivated to drive the quality of her and spark ideas in the field of entrepreneurship kretaif highly competitive.
Why a growing number of entrepreneurs in a country will increase the competitiveness of the country?, I think the answer is quite clear. First, a country that has many entrepreneurs will surely get a huge income tax sector, the economic activity they do, try to imagine a country where too many civil servants are less or even not productive, then every month they take the state budget for paying them, but their contribution to the national perekonimian very minimal in terms of taxes and level of consumption.
Let us look at other examples, with more and more people become entrepreneurs, they are independent, then the economy will not be dependent on the capitalist system, in which case the government should pro-actively provide capital for entrepreneurs to be truly productive with competitive interest rates, and not destroy the employers and the government, the results of their profits will be stored in the banks in the country, so that the velocity of money more smoothly, with it will increase their capital so as to penetrate the global market, which will increase the export-import balance and will increase foreign exchange signifakan state, then by that very clear, that entrepreneurship has a very important role to raise the dignity of a nation's international arena.
Furthermore, in terms of GNP (Gross National Product), where the more money generated by the sons and daughters of Indonesia, because entrepreneurship is the money generated greater chance, in contrast to relatively fixed nominal wages. GNP will increase the overall goods and services produced by resident nationals wherever located (inside and outside the country), with increasing GNP will further strengthen the national economy at the macro level, and speed up the wheels of national development, because of the availability of the budget increase.
From some of the positive impact of entrepreneurship, it can be concluded that entrepreneurship aims to boost the local economy and generally enhance personal dignity and entrepreneurs as well as the nation, the knowledge is expected to be a growing number of Indonesian citizens especially students who go into the business world, but must be considered in trying to promote honesty, so that what is produced can bermanfa'at for the wider community.
C. Entrepreneurship Theory
Berjalanya Over time, entrepreneurship is growing, it gives birth to a wide range of theories about entrepreneurship, I will try to describe the various theories of entrepreneurship, are as follows:
1. Neo Classical
This theory regards the company as a technological term, which management (individuals) just knowing the cost and revenue, and just doing mathematical calculations to determine the optimal values ​​of decision variables. So the neoclassical approach inadequate to explain the issue of entrepreneurship. In this theory of independence is not visible, it is fair, because it was in the past which have not been so urgent issue of independence, but it could be enough to give birth early theories theories next.
2. Kirzerian Entrepreneur
In theory Kirzer highlights on human performance, keuletanya, keseriusanya, kesungguhanya, for self (self), in trying, so that reciprocation of a business depends on the efforts and tenacity of the entrepreneur.
From various disciplines, who was born the theory of entrepreneurship is viewed from the perspective of their respective economic theory considers that due to the birth of self-employment opportunities, and the uncertainty the future that will give rise to opportunities to be maximized, it is due to the courage to take chances, to speculate, organizing, and spawned a variety of innovations. Sociological Theory learn more about, the origins of the culture and values ​​of the social sector in society, which will impact its ability to respond to business opportunities and business process, for example, the ethnic Chinese and the desert known as a tenacious effort, the facts on the ground indicate that many people china and pastures success in entrepreneurship. Further psychological theory, I think the theory is more emphasis on individual motives underlying her to entrepreneurship, from childhood when implanted for achievement, the more likely an individual is more willing to respond to business opportunities gained.
The latter is a theory of behavior, how an entrepreneur should have proficiency in organizing a business, manage finances and related matters, networking, and marketing the product, takes personal sociable and jaunty to promote a business.

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