Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Healthy Recipes Baby 9 Months

Hi mother .. how are you? longer care for infants age 9 10 months ya know? Aged 9-10 is peraliahn age Makananan Complementary feeding (MP-ASI). After enjoying the fine-textured soft porridge and gruel strain rougher textured, now the baby is ready to know the food team. The texture of the food is grown close to the texture of food. only, the texture made ​​smaller - by chopped - and more flabby. At this stage, babies begin to recognize the food delivered to the family (table food). The habit of giving finger food at earlier ages, can be continued at this age.
Resep Makanan Sehat Bayi 9 Bulan

Healthy Recipes Baby 9 Months

Make that another mother looking for a recipe makananan healthy baby 9 months .. ya no baby food recipes for a healthy 9 months old and delicious.

Healthy Recipes Baby 9 Month: Yellow Rice Porridge Filter


     1 sdn white rice, soak 2 hours
     200 ml unsweetened soya milk / water
     1 cm turmeric, crushed
     1 slice lime leaves, discard the bones leaves
     1/2 bay leaves
     3 cm base of the stalk lemongrass, crushed
     25 grams of salmon meat / Gindara / Snapper / Pangasius
     25 grams of cauliflower florets
     1/4 tsp extra virgin olive oil (if any)

How to Make:

     Cook rice, soy milk / water, turmeric, lime leaves, bay leaves, and lemongrass until rice is tender.
     Enter the fish and cauliflower, continue cooking until selutuhnya cook. Set aside to cool. Dispose of turmeric, lime leaves, bay leaves and lemon grass
     Yellow rice porridge Filter-press pressed by using the back of a spoon on top of the filter. If smoothed using a blender, process until the porridge is not too smooth. Add olive oil, stir hinga average. Immediately give a slurry filtered to toddlers.

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