Senin, 12 November 2012


1. Lafadz
لم يكن الذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب والمشركين منفكين حتى تأتيهم البينة (1) رسول من الله يتلو صحفا مطهرة (2) فيها كتب قيمة (3) وما تفرق الذين أوتوا الكتاب إلا من بعد ما جاءتهم البينة (4) وما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء ويقيموا الصلاة ويؤتوا الزكاة وذلك دين القيمة (5) إن الذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب والمشركين في نار جهنم خالدين فيها أولئك هم شر البرية (6) إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية (7) جزاؤهم عند ربهم جنات عدن تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها أبدا رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه ذلك لمن خشي ربه (8)

2. Meaning:
1. Infidels, the scribes and the idolaters (say they) would not leave (religion) before coming padamereka proof.
2. (Ie) a Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) who reads the sheets were purified (Quran).
3. It poses (content) books straight.
4. And it is not broken to pieces the people who brought al books (to them), but after coming to their proof.
5. In fact, they were not told, except to worship Allah with obedience to Him purifies the (running) with lurusdan religion that they establish the prayer and pay zakat da is the Religion straight.
6. Indeed orng infidels, namely the Scripture and the idolaters (will go) jahannam Hell, they will abide therein. They are the worst of creatures.
7. Sesungguhnay those who believe and do pious deeds, they were there; is the best thing.
8. Reply with Allah they are heaven and the rivers flowing underneath, they will abide therein forever. God is pleased with them and they pleased him. That is the (children) for those who fear Allah.

3. Contents
• Allah SWT. Explaining the infidels from the Scripture and the idolaters who do not abandon their beliefs until the advent of the Prophet.
• Prophet brought straight Qur'an as guidance for all mankind.
• Allah commanded that each man on the basis of sincere worship which purifies slaughter or worship to God alone.
• Islam is a religion that is firm and solid straight, a religion that invites kejalan straight no irregularities.
• Command establish the prayer, and prayer is worship jasmaniyah rohaniyah. Meaningful prayers to God with full fervently and feel the need only to Allah SWT.
• Commands issued zakat, as good deeds for the poor, it should appear this feeling that only Allah gives fortune and pleasure, then the treasure that we have only a surrogate of God.
• Threats to the people who do not follow the religion brought by the Prophet in the form of hell beasts, Merea keal therein.
• C. The linkage between the infidels and the Sura of Al Bayyinah

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