Selasa, 13 November 2012

The State Government System Effect Against Other Countries

The State Government System Effect Against Other Countries
System of government in this world countries vary according to the wishes of the country concerned and tailored to the circumstances of the nation and the country. As noted earlier, the presidential system of government and a parliamentary system of government is the two models are used as a reference system of government by many countries. United States and the United Kingdom each considered a pioneer of the presidential system of government and a parliamentary system of government. Of the two models, later emulated by the countries in the other.Examples of countries that use the presidential system of government: the United States, the Philippines, Brazil, Egypt, and Argentina. And the example of a country that uses a system of parliamentary government: the UK, India, Malaysia, Japan, and Australia.Although both use a presidential or parliamentary system, there are variations tailored to the constitutional development of the country concerned. For example, Indonesia adopted a presidential system of government will not be exactly the same with a presidential system of government that runs in the United States. In fact, certain countries use a mixture of the presidential system and the parliamentary (mixed parliamentary presidential system). For example, the French now. The country has a president as head of state that has a lot of power, but there is also a prime minister appointed by the president to run the day-to-day administration.The system of government of a country is useful for other countries. One of the important uses of government system is a system of government of a country can make comparisons to other countries. A country may make comparisons with the system of government-run system of government that dilaksakan other countries. Countries can search and find some of the similarities and differences antarsistem government. The next goal is to develop a system of state governance is better than ever after making comparisons with other countries. They can also adopt a different system of government, as the system of government is concerned.State officials, politicians, and state lawmakers held frequent visits to overseas or interstate. They make observations, assessment, comparison of the system of government which visited the country's system of government. After the visit of the members of parliament have the knowledge and insight to be able to develop a more extensive system of state government.Development of the system of government in Indonesia can not be separated from the system of government make comparisons between countries. As a country with a presidential system, Indonesia has adopted governance practices in the United States. For example, direct presidential elections and cheks and balance mechanism. Golkar Party convention ahead of elections in 2004 also modeled convention practice in the United States. However, not all governance practices in Indonesia just a pale imitation of the United States system of government. For example, Indonesia recognize the People's Consultative Assembly of the institution, whereas in the U.S. there is no such institution.Thus, the system of government of a country can be used as a comparison or model that can be adopted as part of the system of governance of other countries. United States and Britain have each been able to prove itself as a country with a presidential system of government and parliamentary seara ideal. The system of government of the two countries later copied by many other countries in the world which must be adapted to the country concerned.IV. Indonesian Government Systema. Indonesia Under the system of government before the 1945 Amended.Principles of the system of government of Indonesia based on the 1945 Constitution before the amendment of the 1945 Constitution stated in the explanation of the seven key principal system of government is as follows.
1.Indonesia is a state based on law (rechtsstaat).Constitutional 2.Sistem.3.Kekuasaan highest country in the hands of the People's Consultative Assembly.4.Presiden is the organizer of the highest state governments under the PCA.5.Presiden not responsible to the House of Representatives.6.Menteri auxiliary state is the president, ministers of state are not accountable to the House of Representatives.7.Kekuasaan head of state is not infinite.Based on seven key principal systems of government, systems of government of Indonesia according to the 1945 adopted a presidential system of government. The system of government is run during the New Order government under President Suharto. The hallmark of the system of government that time is a tremendous power in the presidency. Almost all presidential powers is set according to the 1945 Constitution was done without consideration or approval of Parliament as people's representatives. Because itui lack of oversight and without the approval of Parliament, the president's powers are very large and tend to be misused. Mekipun weakness, greater power to the president there is also the positive impact that the president can control the entire administration of the government so as to create a compact and solid. Governmental system more stable, not easily fall or change. Conflict and contradiction antarpejabat state can be avoided. However, in practice the system of government in Indonesia trip turned out to be a great power in the president and the nation more harm than benefit didapatkanya country.Entering the Reformation, the Indonesian nation is determined to create a system of democratic governance. For Therefore, a constitutional government or a government based on the constitution. Constitutional government that characterized the country's constitution contains
1.adanya limiting the power of government or executive,2.jaminan human rights and the rights of citizens.Accordingly, reforms to do is make changes or amendments to the 1945 Constitution. to amend the 1945 Constitution to the Constitution that is unconstitutional, the system is expected to form a better government than the one before. Amendment of the 1945 Constitution had been made by the Assembly four times, namely in 1999, 2000 2001, and 2002. based on the 1945 Constitution as amended that guide the system pemerintaha Indonesia today.b. Indonesia government system State Based Upon the 1945 AmendedNow this system of government in Indonesia is still in transition. Before the enactment of a new system of government based on the results of the fourth amendment of the 1945 Constitution in 2002, the Indonesian system is still based on the 1945 Constitution with a few changes in line with the transition to the new system of government. New system of government is expected to run from 2004 subsequent to the 2004 election.Principles of the Indonesian system are as follows.
1.Bentuk unitary state with broad principles of regional autonomy. The country is divided into several provinces.2.Bentuk of government is a republic, while the presidential system of government.3.Presiden is the head of state and a head of government. President and vice president elected and appointed by the Assembly for a term of five years. For the 2004-2009 term, the president and vice president will be elected directly by the people in a single package.4.Kabinet or minister appointed by the president and is responsible to the president.5.Parlemen consists of two parts (bicameral), House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD). The board members are members of the Assembly. Parliament has legislative power and authority oversee the government.6.Kekuasaan judiciary run by the Supreme Court and judicial bodies underneath.The system of government is also taking the elements of the system of parliamentary government and a reform to eliminate the weaknesses that exist in the presidential system. Several variations of the presidential system of government in Indonesia is as follows.
1.Presiden any time be removed by the Assembly upon the recommendation of the House of Representatives. Thus, the Parliament still has the power the president oversees though indirectly.2.Presiden in lifting the state officials need consideration or approval of Parliament.3.Presiden in issuing specific policies need consideration or approval of Parliament.4.Parlemen given greater powers in terms of shaping legislation and the right budget (budget)Thus, there are new changes in the Indonesian system. It is intended to improve the old presidential system. The new changes, such as the direct election system, bicameral, cheks and balance mechanisms, and giving greater powers to the parliament to conduct oversight and budgetary functions.
ConclusionSystem of government, describe the work of institutions and runs related to each other towards achieving the objectives of the state. State institutions in a political system includes four principal institutions, namely the executive, bureaucratic, legislative, and judicial branches. In addition, there are other institutions or other elements such as parliament, elections, and the council of ministers.The division of the system of government in a modern state divided into two, namely the presidential and ministerial (parliament). Division of presidential and parliamentary systems of government based on the relationship between the executive and legislative powers. In a parliamentary system, the executive gets pengwasan directly from the legislature. Conversely, if the executive is beyond the legislative oversight is the presidential system of government.In a republican system of government, state agencies lebaga went according to democratic mechanisms, while the monarchical system of government, it would work according to different principles.The system of government of a country different from the system of government that is run in other countries. However, there are also some similarities antarsistem country's government. For example, the two countries have a similar system of government.Change of government in the state occurred in an emergency, when the transfer of power or leadership in the country. The change of government in Indonesia occurred between 1997 and 1999. It stems from the financial crisis and the economic crisis.

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