Selasa, 13 November 2012

Two Kinds of Drug arrogant

As for treating pain arrogant ruling is fard 'ain (compulsory for every individual). Medium medicine there are two kinds:
1. Drug arrogant with science, that wanted to know him and know his God. For indeed if he knows the Lord completely, it will know the humiliation itself, the beginning of a vicious sperm, and people feel disgusted if they see that out of the way of the father and the mother's urine. Once it becomes thick blood, then became flesh is thick and disgusting, and after being, he can not be separated from the abject nature of such forced ill. It all became our address abject who later died, then rotted, decayed corpses and just so disgusted onlookers. Then a dirt worm and maggot carrion eaters, and a mud ground as the first human origin of the mud. Then turned with the intention that his sins be judged. Like you got an error on the ruler (king / president) will be subject to the provisions blow a thousand times or be discarded (detained or isolated in a special place) or be thrown in jail, and he had not tried. Do you dare arrogant against the people who are in jail all and if you have fun when you are not necessarily forgiven or not forgiven. Similarly, we are all in jail, because the world is the prison where Mu'min. Not necessarily (in the Hereafter) your sins forgiven or not. So those who are in this case (all uncertain) and in very difficult conditions this (because in prison, ya'ni this world), then it should not be to arrogant and have fun.
2. The second remedy is to takabbur the charity, which acts as practiced by those who tawadhu (humble), such as the behavior of the Companions and the scholars earlier.
The science and charity takabbur because it is the maximum takabbur, because they are not damaged due to death. Therefore, it is difficult to recover from the takabbur takabbur because science and charity. So if difikir with aqal perfect, then it transpired that dogs and pigs are better than the pious and religious experts. Dogs and pigs if the dead will be dust (not held responsibility). While the pious and religious experts will be asked if the dead and judged and not necessarily safe. Have not you know the story of Qarun and Balaam, they were pious and religious experts and the two occupants of hell, as has been mentioned in the Qur'an. Then there are dogs and pigs are more mainstream than Qarun and Balaam with texts in Qur'anul 'Aziz. (From the Book Munjiyat)

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