Selasa, 13 November 2012

understanding of the system of government

The term comes from the system of government combined the two words and governance systems. The word system is a translation of the word system (English) meaning the composition, structure, network, or how. While the government is derived from the government, and that comes from the command. And the Indonesian Dictionary, the words mean:a. The command is sent meaningful words do some thingb. Government is the power that ruled a territory, region, or state.c. Government adalaha deed, way, way, matters in rulingSo in the broadest sense, is an act of government ruled by legislative bodies, executive, and judiciary in a State in order to achieve the objectives of the state. In a strict sense, is an act pemerintaha ruling made by the executive branch and its staff in order to achieve the objectives of the state. Pemerintaha system is defined as a complete order consists of various components of the work of government are interdependent and affect the achievement of the purpose and function of government. Power in a State by Montesquieu classified into three, namely the Executive Power means power to run any law or rule to govern; Legislative Powers who berate the power to make laws; And Power Yudiskatif who berate authority to prosecute violations of the law. These components largely consist of non-executive, legislative and judicial. Thus, the system pemerintaha describe the state institutions, the relationship between state institutions and the operation of state agencies in achieving the governments concerned.The purpose of state government in general is based on the ideals or goals of the country. For example, the purpose of government is to protect the whole country Indonesia Indonesian nation and to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, as well as participate in the establishment of a world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice. Institutions that are in a system of government Indonesia work together and support each other for the realization of the purpose of government in the country of Indonesia.In a republican form of government, the country, the president is head of state and is obliged to establish departments that will fulfilling their executive powers and fulfilling their laws. Each department will be headed by a minister. Apabile all the ministers that there is coordinated by a prime minister, it can be called a council of ministers / cabinet. Cabinet may take the form of presidential and cabinet Ministerial.a. Presidential CabinetPresidential cabinet is a cabinet where the responsibility for government policy held by the president. President concurrently as prime minister that the minister is not accountable to parliament / Parliament but to the president. Examples of countries that use the presidential cabinet system is Amarika States and Indonesiab. Ministerial CabinetMinisterial cabinet is a cabinet in running government or wisdom, a minister either individually or jointly kebinet all members accountable to Parliament / DPR. Examples of countries that use the system cabinet are countries in Western Europe.When seen from the way its formation, Ministerial cabinet can be divided into two, namely cabinet extra-parliamentary and cabinet.Parliamentary cabinet is a cabinet formed by considering and taking into account that there are voices in the parliament. If seen from the composition (membership composition), parliamentary cabinet is divided into three, namely the coalition cabinet, the national cabinet, and the cabinet of the party.Cabinet is extra-kebinet the establishment did not pay attention and take into account the voices in parliament and state / DPR.
II. Parliamentary and Presidential Government SystemSystem of government, is divided into two major classifications are:
1. presidential system of government;2. parliamentary system of government.
In general, countries in the world belong to one of the government system. There is another system of government is considered as a variation or combination of the above two systems of government. The United Kingdom is considered as an ideal type of country that parliamentary system of government. Bhakan, England called the Mother of Parliaments (parent parliament), while the United States is an ideal type of state with a presidential system of government.Both countries are referred to as the ideal type for imposing traits run. Britain was the first country to run the model of parliamentary government. United States as well as a pioneer in the presidential system of government. The two countries until now remained consistent in carrying out the principles of the system of government. Of the two countries, then the system of government adopted by other countries parts of the world.Classification of presidential and parliamentary systems of government based on the relationship between the executive and legislative powers. Referred to a parliamentary system of government where the executive branch, as the executor of executive power gain direct control of the legislature. Called a presidential system of government where the executive branch is outside the direct control of the legislature.For more details, here are the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary system of government.
The characteristics of the system of parliamentary government are as follows:
1.Badan legislature or parliament is the only body whose members are elected directly by the people through elections. Parliament has the power as the representative body and the legislature.2.Anggota parliament made up of people from the political party that won the general pemiihan. The political party that wins the elections have a great chance to be the majority, and the great powers in the parliament.3.Pemerintah or cabinet composed of the ministers and the prime minister as the leader of the cabinet. The prime minister is elected by parliament for fulfilling their executive power. In this system, the executive is the prime minister as head of government. Cabinet members generally come from parliament.4.Kabinet accountable to parliament and can survive all the support a majority of members of parliament. This means that any time the parliament to topple the cabinet if the majority of members of parliament expressed vote of no confidence to the cabinet.5.Kepala not state as well as head of government. The head of government is the prime minister, while the head of state is the president of the republic or the king / sultan in a monarchy. The head of state has no governmental power. He only played sebgai symbol of sovereignty and integrity of the country.6.Sebagai balance can drop a parliamentary cabinet the president or king on the advice of the prime minister may dissolve parliament. Furthermore, another election was held for a new parliament membentukan.Excess Parliamentary Government System:
• Policymakers can be dealt with quickly because the easy-going adjustment of opinion between the executive and legislative branches. This is because the executive and legislative powers are at a party or coalition.• Lines of responsibility in the creation and implementation of public policy is clear.• A strong oversight from parliament to the cabinet so that the cabinet be barhati careful in running the government.Lack Parliamentary Government System:
• Position the executive / cabinet depends on the support of the majority of parliament that the cabinet at any time be imposed by parliament.• Continuity of the executive or cabinet position bias not determined in accordance with the end of his term because any time the cabinet be dissolved.• Cabinet can control the parliament. It happens when the members of the cabinet are members of parliament and from the party meyoritas. Because of their great influence diparlemen and parties, cabinet members can mengusai parliament.• Parliament to be a regeneration for executive positions. Experience of being exploited and widened lawmakers critical supplies to become ministers or other executive positions.In a presidential system of government, the executive and the legislature has an independent position. The two institutions are not directly connected as in the parliamentary system of government. They are separately elected by the people.For more details, here are the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the presidential system of government.
The characteristics of the system are as follows presidential pemerintaha.
1.Penyelenggara country in the hands of the president. The President is the head of state and head of government. The President is not elected by parliament, but by the people or a council board.2.Kabinet (council of ministers) is formed by the president. Cabinet responsible to the president and is responsible to the parliament or legislature.3.Presiden not responsible to parliament. That's because the president is not elected by the parliament.4.Presiden can not dissolve parliament as in the parliamentary system.5.Parlemen has legislative power and as a representative institution. MPs elected by the people.6.Presiden not under the direct control of parliament.Presidential Government System Advantages:
• The executive branch is more stable position because it does not depend on the parliament.• The term of the executive branch more clearly to a specific period. For example, the term of office of President of the United States is four years, the President of Indonesia is five years.• Drafting cabinet work program easily adjusted with a period of his tenure.• Legislature is not the place for succession planning for executive positions can be filled by outsiders, including members of parliament itself.Lack Presidential Government System:
• The executive power beyond the direct control of the legislature so as to create absolute power.• The system of accountability is less clear.• Decision-making or public policy is generally the result of the bargaining between the executive and the legislature so it can happen no firm decision and take a long time.

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