Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Colonialism Imperialism AND WEST IN INDONESIA

Lack of supply is the spice that drives diEropa traders and explorers of the English, Spanish Portuguese and Dutch sailing keTimur including Indonesia.Colonialism: It is understood that aims to dominate others to expand the country's territory or
into a colony.
Revolution makes the basic materials industry increasingly steeper europe.Imperialism: It is a notion that aim to colonize other nations in order to gain power and
profitAncient imperialism was before the industrial revolution and aiming to get precious metals (gold), the nation's glory (glory) and spread the teachings of the Bible (gospel).While the goal of modern imperialism is:1. Getting the raw materials industry producing areas2. Getting the marketing area idustri3. Getting invstasi area for long-termBackground and Powers arrival of Europeans in Indonesia1) The arrival of the Spanish in IndonesiaIndian archipelago rich in spices oeh Columbus first discovered in 1492. In 1521 the Spanish fleet under the command of Sebastian Del Cano landed in Maluku and buy lots of spices. News of success finding sources spices make Spanish ships flock flocked to the Moluccas. In addition, the arrival of Spanish as well to spread the Catholic faith by a priest named Frasniscus Xavier2) The arrival of the Portuguese in Indonesia1511, the Portuguese led by Alfonso De Albuequequeque made it to Cape of Good Hope (Cape of Good Hope) southern tip of the continent Afrika.Mereka fight against Sultan Mahmud next Syah.Pelayaran led Vasco da Gama in calicut India mendara 1498.tahun year 1510 the Portuguese sent Alfonso de Albuquerque to attack Malacca, 1511Malacca Portuguese dikalahkan.1512 successfully led the conquest of the Moluccas Francisco Serro. Portuguese can be expelled from the territory of Maluku and Maluku expelled 1575.Setelah years Malacca, the Portuguese intend to conquer the rich Sumatra pepper but was blocked by the kingdom of Aceh who controlled the trade route sumatera.Portugis pepper then expand to Java and trade relations with Blambangan, Pasuruan and the surrounding area.3) The arrival of the Dutch in Indonesia
Jan Huygen van Linschoten Dutch sailors who took part in the Portuguese trading voyage to the continent of Asia, then in 1595 published a book containing maps, image area and the type of goods traded note titled Journey to the East or the Indian Portugi.Berdasarkan book, 4 Dutch merchant ship cruise under the command of Cornelis de Houtman stir into the Moluccas and bought spices and initiate the arrival of the Dutch in Indonesia.Power VOC in Indonesia
Prices are expensive spice in europe profitable traders this encourages the Dutch to sail kemaluku that produce spices rempah.Tahun 1598 Dutch parliament (the States General) to the shipping company established a trading kosiProposed executing March 1602 with the formation of airline alliances hindiya east vereenigdde Oost indine cmpagenie (VOC) based in amsterdamTo support the existence of the Dutch parliament VOC oktrooi granting the contents:a. perdangangan monopoly rights in the region between the U.S. and Africab. has the right to force a machete and build defensesc. the right to make war and colonized. rights as the Dutch government in Indonesiae. right to make a covenant with the kings in Indonesiaf. the right to tie up employeesg. the right to print and circulate their ownh. the right to levy taxesVOC grew into a joint venture and a successful bazaar dangang perdangangan monopoly in Indonesia. Dana in the lift of a governor-general VOC in Indonesia.In perdangangan spice monopoly in Indonesia VOC impose the following matters.A. ekterpasi rights, namely the right to reduce the yield of spices by cutting or memusnahkanya when
should aim to spice controlled prices remain profitable VOC.B. cruise hongi. That supervision of the conduct of trade monopoly in Indonesia then the farmer was arrested and toasty spice rempahnya sold to another party VOC.VOC trade partnership to the benefit of the Dutch government so that to be rich. But wealth voc long walkin on abat XVIII. Sebap-sebap setback voc.adalaha. many employees voc corruptionb. Indonesia broad wilaya memrlukan big biyayac. cost of the war to crush the tribes Indonesia is huged. competition with other state farm partnership eg with EIC-owned English at ahirnya owes 130 million guilders in walkin sangup pay it all. voc treasures in Indonesia belongs to the Dutch empire dissolved VOC 31 desmber 1799.4) The power of the French in Indonesia
France under Napoleon Bonaparte defeat the Dutch and rule colonies shg
region including Indonesia Dutch population into the territory of the French Year 1808,
Prancismengangkat Herman Willem Daendels be gub.Jend Dutch in Indonesia with its main taskmaintaining Java Island Dr. English attack. The main concern deandels adl trade for example:a. build a road from anyer-raisingb. perform forced labor systemc. mebangun armyd. itern meddle kerjan Indonesiae. makes the system of government in grotol1811 Deandels kebelanda withdrawn and replaced by the Jansens for his cruelty inflict hardship on the people of Indonesia have a lot of resistance.18 september 1811 signed the capitulation Tuntang Jansens containing Batavia submission to the British because of the defeat elanda when the British attacked Batavia.5) The power of the English in IndonesiaEIC / east Indian Company (UK Trade airlines that represent British Government in Indonesia.Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles was appointed governor MJD jenderal.yang done stamford Raffels in antaralaina. divide into 16 residencies Java islandb. reduce power regentsc. eliminate forced labord. remove shipping hongi voc modelse. prohibit slaveryf. delete tributeg. sewah adopted landh. implement the system pemuliyan
6) The power of the Dutch in Indonesiadue to French lost the battle, Napoleon signed the Convention hrs London in 1814. London Convention 1814 Results:
1.prancis countries must return before any attack jajahnya napolion
2. Indonesia hrs diserakan back KPD dutch but the island farts, belitung, & bengkulu not handed over
To overcome Indonesia's economy and government coffers are empty due to the cost of the defense, was appointed economist Van den Bosch.van den bosch proposal: Cultivation system implementation stalsel defense / resistance force on the island of Java since th 1830.Terms of cultivation systems:1. fifth part of the land owned by Indonesia fertile land made mandatory in exports2. land freed from the obligation to pay taxes3. yields in a jumble Dutch government4. tapsiran when crop prices exceed the tax, the excess is to the right of the people5. crop failures in responsibility by the government6. Labor that used for growing rice morbidly blh lbh kentuan barred Dutch governmentIn practice, many Dutch government violated provisions such as:1. land used as cropland export not only a fifth part, but wholly2. export crops planted remained in taxes collected3. gegalan harvest ditangung by the people themselves and not the government4. if the estimated tax exceeds harvest, the excess was not given the people5. tenagayang exceeds the power used to grow rice

B.AKIBAT Cultivation System
Not all parties agree to the implementation of the Dutch cultivation in Indoesia.Golongan against:
Owner Capital Group / the Capitalist- Urges the system of forced cultivation deleted ago granted the Dutch Government with the implementation of open-door policy, in allowing the entry of private investors to invest in Indonesia.1. Dutch humanist Group· Edward Douwes decker
Edward Douwes decker before a government bureaucrat belanda.Yang look under the pseudonym Multatuli, Douwes decker creating a cultivation system in a book entitled Max Havelaar, thanks to this book he, the Dutch humanist group knows the suffering of the people of Indonesia.· Vande venter
Vande venter Meng criticized the existence of the system of forced cultivation, he arranged for the Dutch government did reciprocation are known by the ethical sabagai follow the Dutch government made repairs in industry, education, and transmigasi in the 20th century, the political implementation greatly help the progress Indonesia later days.· Baron Van Hoevel
Its capacity as a pastor he opposes forced through preaching - preaching church.· The liberals in the netherlands
Dutch parliamentary majorities in controlled by the conservatives, Minorities / Group opsisi are liberals, voicing that cultivation in clear, effort has gained the sympathy of most of the Netherlands, the People's Indonesia triumph of the existing (pd Liberal election 1860)· Planting forcibly removed in 1870, the abolition of forced cultivation in that year.
Dutch Government held an open door policy by issuing laws - laws agrarian land ownership in the area jajahan.berdirilah large plantations owned by private people to rent land, the open door policy to bring benefits to the people of Indonesia, emerging political reciprocation (the ethical) that began the political implemented in 1900.
Various efforts have been done invaders affect the life of the Indonesian nation in all bidang.Akhirnya conditions change, the political, economic, social, and cultural nature in Indonesia which forced a goal only - to perpetuate their eyes in the colonies.Some of the changes that occur in the life of the Indonesian nation is as follows:1. Politics.
Dutch government made several changes to the civil service provisions in the first by a line change to the system kepegawaian.Belanda president appoint someone to oversee the colonial government and also pay attention to planting materials Uphold pangan.Belanda regents to oversee the implementation of the compulsory and ensure perjualan only the Dutch government.
Helped change the system of government in Indonesia during Daendels power (1808 - 1811) he makes Java as the center of government and divide it into unity - the unity of the region which is called Perfecture.
The legal system also experienced a very mendasar.Daendels pioneered modern Western law enforcement through the courts every Perfecture natives that called Landgrecht.
2. Economics
Progress dutch mngeksplorasi encourage industry resource alam.Seperti mine development
oil and the construction of railroads.
Social 3.Bidang
In the reign of the Netherlands, the highest status owned by the Europeans because they are the next penguasa.golongan asia far east, like the Chinese, Indian, and Arabic which is the lowest pedagang.kedudukan adl or the indigenous people of Indonesia who mrpk the majority.4. Field of Culture
The entry of foreign nationals into Indonesia raises westerniasi, the cult of western culture in berlabihan.
In 1848, the Dutch colonial government established schools in every district in the mass limited. The school is HIS (Hollandsche Inlandsche School) AMS (Algemeene Middel Bare schol) and HBS (Hoogere Burger schol), 1851, the Dutch colonial government established a new school Kweek School and Hoogere Kweek School, School Doctor STOVIA. The end of the 19th century, the Dutch colonial government opened a school for the natives, the school and the school number 1 number 2 of a general nature and provide basic reading, writing, arithmetic, and so on.
Monopoly of the spice trade, cultivation, forced labor, incite hatred in the hearts of the people of Indonesia and raises their desire for tyranny melewan nation eropa.muncul resistance against the Indonesian nation European power.1. Resistance Demak-The war against the Portuguese in makala occurred in 1512 and 1513- The attack led by Dipati unus2. Acehnese people's resistance- Aceh see that the presence of the Portuguese in Malacca threaten to drive trading activity
wars against the Portuguese from Malacca. Year 1607-1636 Sultan Iskandar Muda leading the attack against the Portuguese.3. Resistance Mataram kingdom- The presence of VOCs in batavia also have the same intention, which controlled the whole island of Java.- Sultan grand attempt mngusir Voc in batavia- The first attack on the launch of the Mataram kingdom under the leadership Bahurekso, but failed4. resistance Sultan Hasanudin-Measures will be undertaken Sultan Hasanudin resulted in a war from 1666 to 1667.VOCs are assisted by an enemy Arupalaka Sultan Hasanudin5. Resistance Patimura- Coming to power in Maluku Dutch opposition from embarrassment
The cause of embarrassment resistance include:
a .. Oppression and arbitrary treatment - mena of VOC to the past
b. People For Your Business Deployment in Dutch soldiers
c.Di on again forced labor which had already been in clear english
- The war began on 15 May 1817
- War on August 3, 1817 the Dutch finally managed to get back control of Fort Deurtede6. Padri War (1821 - 1837)- There were two powerful groups that influence the lives of people in West Sumatra pd- Goal of a role that indigenous Islamic prev grown in West Sumatra- Group or Ulema Islam after Islam evolved on Earth Minang.1. Period 1821-1825
in this period under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel dutch Raaf Directing his troops to help young indigenous Dutch troops for control of the area and established a fort Fort vander Capellan.untuk avoid greater losses dutch and Dading entered into Padang (1824) refinement is done by colonels Stuers year agreement 1825.Isi agreement: Held ceasefire, Power Tuanku Imam Bonjol recognized religious affairs in West Sumatra is no longer interfered with the Dutch.2. Period 1826 - 1830concentration during this period was split because the Dutch island of Java Diponegoro war. to strengthen its defenses in western Sumatra the Dutch established Fort kock on high hills3. Period 1831 - 1836In this period, the concentration of Dutch sent soldiers who were captured in Java Diponegoro war to aid the Dutch in West Sumatra.7. bone war (1824 - 1825)
Bone War broke out in 1824 - 1825 people led by the sultan bone bone.Perlawanan bone occurs because people want to master the Dutch South Sulawesi. after Sultan Bone claimed to lose the war. Bone was finally brought under control by the Dutch.8. Diponegoro War (1825 - 1830)
Diponegoro War was led by Prince Diponegoro and assisted Ali Basyah, Prince Mangkubumi, and Kyai Mojo.Cause Diponegoro War:1. Dutch intervention in government affairs Mataram kingdom2. Necking region Mataram kingdom because it was given to the Netherlands as compensation that is given.3. Dutch taxation more burdensome.4. Ketindak discontent of the nobles as stout loss of their rights.5. Suzerainty diminishing Mataram kingdom and revenue decreases.6. Because trading activity declined Mataram ports in the north of Java has mastered the Netherlands.In 1830 at the home of President kedu in Magelang going negotiations. Prince Diponegoro in Semarang waste, Batavia, Manado and Makassar to death on January 8, 1855.Diponegoro war:
A. Many spend cash dutch
B. The power of the kings / nobles in Jogjakarta and Surakarta reduced
C. Dutch get jogjakarta areas and in Surakarta9. Resistance starch Jelantik from Buleleng kingdomThe main target is the kingdom of Buleleng Netherlands under the leadership of I Gusti Ketut Jelantik. Buleleng kingdom held resistance to the Dutch in 1846.the cause is as follows
a. Tawangkarang law because it is not recognized by the Dutch
b. Dutch forced the king - the king bali to recognize its sovereignty
c.Belanda want trade monopoly battle lasted from the year 1846 - 1849 with the defeat in
the Kingdom of Buleleng.10. War series
Banjar War broke out because they said the Dutch intervention in the affairs of the kingdom. Resistance continues to lead the prince continued to the end prince Antasari Azhar in 1862.Dilanjutkan by their children to free banjo from the Dutch influence.11. Resistance Singamangaraja 12Sisingamangaraja an influential monarch to 12 and beyond Dinuli & surrounding areas. Sisingamangaraja the Netherlands thdp XII inertia as:
a. The influence of the smaller singaraja
b. The existence of missionaries (Christian proselytizing mission) in Tapanuli and surrounding
c. Netherlands to strengthen his power in order to Pax NetherlandesSpecific causes of resistance is resentment over the deployment of Dutch Sisingamangaraja diteruntung the pretext of protecting the spread and control of the Dutch over areas Tapanuli war was won by Sisingaraja to XII in 1507. After Sisingamangaraja fall, Tapanuli fell into the hands of the Dutch.

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