Factors that Affect Plant Photosynthesis Process
The process of photosynthesis is affected by various factors, including:
a. sunshine
The sunlight is needed in the process of photosynthesis. The sunlight serves as a source of energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose. Absorption of sunlight by plants depends on light intensity, duration of exposure, and the wavelength of light.
b. water
Water plays an important role in photosynthesis because it is the raw material of photosynthesis. The presence of water also affects the stomata work. When the shortage of water, the stomata close so CO2 unobstructed entry. When there is no water and CO2, the photosynthetic process can not be done.
c. temperature
Temperature effect on the working of enzymes in the process of photosynthesis in plants. Each temperature rises 10 ° C, the enzyme increased 2-fold. A good time for the process of photosynthesis in plants is during the day as the temperature during the day is high enough so that the work can enzimenzim maximum.
d. age leaves
When the age of the older leaves, the slower the photosynthetic activity. Yellowing leaves contain chlorophyll which fewer and fewer. This condition lowers the function of chloroplasts.
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