Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


living with humans can be seen in terms of static dr (msyrkt structure) and dynamic aspects (social process). and social interaction led to the social process of a msyrkt. desires that arise within dri dr natural scra take place.1.pengertian social interaction.
etymologically, the word comes inter interaction, mean (berblas-blasan) and actions (ie actions).
they will occur in the interaction between ke2nya hubngn reciprocal.· Young & Raymond w.nack mean that social interaction is that social relations that mnyngkut dynamic relationship between individuals, well as between individuals and klmpok· According Soerjono Soekanto (1990:67). this is because they are aware of others that cause changes in thoughts and feelings .. within intraksi sos, indivdu / collapsible groups cooperate or conflict.eg adala hubngn cooperation within a game, while examples of conflict hub adl gubernatorial candidate debate ..example of formal reprimand by superiors adlh giving bwahan KPD.hubngn example adl informal discussion of 2org hometown brsahabat old one ill brtemu.· Mnrut charles p.loomis, characteristic "adl sos interaction as followsa. Obviously Artpaper lbih dr ab.komnikasi between actors using the symbols and insigniac.ada dimension of time past, present, and future mendatangd.
d.ada 7AN that to be achieved
2.Syarat the social interaction
mnurut SoerjonoSoekanto (1994:71), the interaction terms trpenuhinya2 sos trjdi Because the
social contact and communication.
Social a.kontak
within sociology, social contact or tnpa hubngn interchangeable trjdidg fsik, such as patting shoulders
who we greet. Contact sossial tnpa hubngn fsik, for example: communication with tlepon, electronic mail, etc..
~ By perpetrators, social contact interchangeable dbedakan MJD:
1) social contact between individuals. example of a young mother talking dg.
2) social contact between individuals dg kelompok.cth, an informant spoke didpn pserta
3) social contact between groups. for example, s company give job orders KPD
other companies.

~ Adjective "social contact as follows:
a) positive if they produce work besifat sma & brsifat negative if mengasilkn conflict.
b) if the offender primary brsifat brtmeu direct interaction, examples of teaching gru kls.Secondary brsifat if through intermediaries, for example a conversation through social telpon.kontak secondary direct, calling gru skolah kpla example. secondary social contact circumstantially, kpla example skolah call gru through the office boy.

communication contains components "as follows:
communicator is someone / seklompok people who message, feelings, pendpt, gagasan/pkok2 mind
KPD people / other klpom
communicant: someone / seklmpok person who receives the message, feelings, on the other hand pendpt/pkok2Message: sgala something delivered by komunikator.Bisa information, instructions, thoughts, feelings.media, which means u / menyampaikn message. dpt oral communication media, text, images etc
effect, ie a change that trjadi pd dr communicant after receiving a message communicator.
Lack of communication raises social contacts .. But social contacts are not always followed by communication. Eg conversation english speaking tourists. With ukang rickshaw who understand Idioms inggris.terjadi td tp td terjadikomunikasi social contacts because communicant tidk understand the message that was delivered communicator.

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