Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


A. ECONOMIC ACTIVITYEconomic activities are: activities done in the field of ekonomi.secara general economic activity includes the production, distribution, and consumption.a. PRODUCTIONProduction is: activity adds utility (usefulness) of an object / create new objects more useful in meeting the needs. called barang.sedangkan production activitiesincrease the utility of an object without changing its shape called production services.

Production of goods: adding activities avail of an object by changing the nature and form of production of goods further divided based on the production of consumer goods and capital goods production.· And consumer goods are goods that are ready for consumption· Merupakn while capital goods used to produce the goods berikutnya.jadi goods, capital goods can not be used directly For requirements.
Production servicesProduction of services can be distinguished on services that directly meet the needs and services that are not directly meet kebutuhan.film, treatments, doctors, teaching, a teacher, or music performance, an example of the production of services that directly meet the needs. whereas recognition, warehousing, and banking are examples of indirect production needs.
B.tujuan production activities.
We can see that without production activities, which are manifold human needs can not be dipenuhi.kemajuan in terms of doing anything to do with the production standard of living. so, the general purpose of production is to meet human needs in order to achieve prosperity. please note that in some production activities terkait.pertama parties are parties that produce / production of goods and services which we refer to as produsen.sedangkan second party is the party that consumes the goods and services that konsumen.karenanya production goals can also be seen in particular from the point of interest of those parties.
For the producers, the goal is to raise the nkeuntungan production and sustaining the life of the company.As for the people or consumers, the production goal is to provide a variety of objects satisfying the needs.
2. Distributiona. Understanding DistributionIn order goods from the producer to the place consumers in need distribusi.Jadi activities, the distribution is the distribution or delivery of goods - goods and services - services from producers kekonsumen.
b. Destination Activity DistributionAs we know that the manufacturers are producing goods and services for their own use but not distributed to other manufacturers or distributed kekonsumen akhir.Jadi no distance or difference somewhere between producers and users. The purpose is to convey the distribution of wares and services from the producer to place the user or users.
c. Activity Distribution FunctionAfter learning dantujuan understanding of distribution activities, it can be concluded the role or function of the distribution is as follows.1. Streamlining the flow of supply of goods and services to the user - the user can be a manufacturer that uses basic ingredients and penggunaakhir.2. Delivering goods and services from producers sampa iketangan users.
d. Distribution ChannelsBecause of the differences channels, state, dankarakteristik different then physical distribution channels can be divided over the channel goods - consumer goods, the goods - goods industry and the results of agricultural goods.
(I) Consumption goods distribution channel· Direct DistributionThat is a direct manufacturer to consumer channel.· Indirect distribution, the producers still use intermediaries in the distribution.
(Ii) the industrial distribution channel.because kekhasaasn or characteristics of industrial goods, which are more durable and produced in baynak (inderect selected distribution channels), the distribution of industrial goods using different channels to consumer goods that are relatively non-durable (usually direct the selected channel). in general, the distribution of industrial goods using four channels, namely:· Manufacturers - dealer - distributor of industrial products industrial products - industrial users.· Manufacturers - agents - pemkaai industrial· Manufacturers - distributor of industrial products - industrial users· Manufacturers - industrial users
iii. Distribution channels of agriculturalcompared with the results of industry, agriculture has different characteristics. Industrial output are generally collected in relatively large quantities, while agriculture spread in the amounts are relatively small. Therefore, it is necessary for the purposes of distribution middlemen called brokers. Unless agriculture is widely cultivated land, which results in a large amount of the distribution channels similar to industrial companies.In general, the distribution channels of agricultural products on a small scale is:- Farmers - directly to the user- Farmers - middlemen - to the user- Farmers - middlemen - wholesalers - small merchants - users- Farmers - supermarkets - users3. Consumptiona. Understanding consumptionin economics, consumption is the act of spending or reduce progressively benagsur benefit of goods to meet the needs for memeliharakelangsungan hidpunya.b. Purpose of consumption activitiesPurpose of consumption activities are activities to make ends meet. Furthermore, the parties undertake economic activities are called economic agents.
B.PELAKU ECONOMYEconomic 1.PelakuA.Rumah The FamilyThere are two roles in the family household economic activity:~ First as a consumer: the family household purchase of household consumer goods manufacturers~ As a manufacturer: provide second factor of production in the form of labor, land, and capital.B.Rumah Appliances ManufacturerOften referred to as a company, is the unity of the juridical and economic factors factors of production that seeks to gain or provide services to the community.C.Pemerintah
In Article 33, paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution is written. "Branches of production which are important for the country of residence and serving the people should be controlled by the state." Section later in article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution states that "the earth and the water and the natural riches contained therein controlled by the state and used for the benefit of the people ". ats the basis of article 33, paragraph 2 and 3, the government must act as a principal basis of the article ekonomi.atas government also set up various state-owned enterprises, for example pertamina.disamping, the government also konsumsi.konsumsi activities that can be seen for example in shopping goods for state administration and maintenance costs for the property.
in addition, the government also helped improve the welfare of the community. This task is realized by a variety of measures such as building public facilities and infrastructure such as roads, bridges and public parks. Government is also trying to create good conditions for trying to maintain price stability and treat regulatory climate encourages other government berusaha.peran equally important is the distribution of income did not arise so that the gap is too wide between sikaya and simiskin.distribusi income for example, the government through the application of the tax system can help the poor.D. People overseas
people overseas also an economic actor to be reckoned with. without contact with people overseas, the economic situation will get worse.
The following are the benefits gained by working with communities abroad.1. government can obtain a loan to finance the construction.2. agricultural and handicraft products exported from Indonesia to the country to get foreign exchange.3. enables the delivery of labor to work abroad.4. allows for the transfer of advanced technologies from overseas
very beneficial for our country to build.E.Interaksi among economic actorsIn economic activity, 4 economic actors are always interacting with each other in accordance with a variety of transactions dilakukan.Misalnya: family households buy consumption goods from household produsen.sebaliknya household production requires two factors of production from households keluarga.Perusahaan pay taxes to the government, instead, the government built a variety of suggestions and general infrastructure untukkepentingan the family and household tanga produsen.dll

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